What are We Watching?

When you and your family sit down and and turn on your TV to enjoy a relaxing evening, have you ever paused to consider if the program that is about to entertain you and your family is fit for you watch? Have you ever taken time to pause and consider what type of message it might be sending and if it is the type of program that will uplift and build, or tear down your walk with God?

Unfortunately many of us have been trained to think of television as neutral. Something which unless blatantly filled with vile language and overly aggressive violence, can neither help nor hinder our relationship with God. Honestly believing that the media we consume is devoid of a message and is incapable of impairing our Christian experience.

But is this the case? Is every program that flickers across our screen truly as neutral as we think, or is it possible that under a clock of laughter and tears, Satan has slipped in a message that has the power to slowly and surely alter our view of God and transform our opinion of Him as a loving Father into one of a tyrannical dictator to be feared and not loved?



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