The Law Still Relevant Today Part 2

Law, it has become a touch subject within the Christian world, as more and more Christians come to the conclusion that the law was an unnecessary burden done away with at the cross of Calvary.  But is the law of God the burden that many believe it to be?

What government, what institution, what school, and even what organization can last long without a set of rules that all of its members must follow.  Can you imagine a multimillion corporation trying to hold a meeting of all its board members and constituents without  even the simplest form of parliamentary procedure? Can you imagine the chaos and confusion that would occur if there were no rules regarding when, where, and what subject matter could be discussed? How long would a corporation last if anyone could walk in off of the street and declare that they want to talk about last year’s insulting lack of dividends, while someone else jumped to their feet and shouted no its time to talk about raises, a third was busy yelling about outdated equipment, a forth wanted to know about paid vacations, a fifth was busy taking lunch order, and so on.


Can you imagine the mayhem and chaos that would ensue if the laws of the land were suddenly done away with. How much worse would things be if God’s vast kingdom did away with all law.


If for the sake of peace and order a business meeting requires rules to regulate when people can ask questions and when a new subject matter how much more does the enormous government of God require a set of regulation that will ensure the peace and happiness of its zillions of citizens.

Like it or not, every government, including a perfect one, requires rules and regulation.  Good laws protect the rights and happiness of its citizens.  Ensuring that privacy, property, and life will be respected.  Laws ensure that a stranger cannot just walk up to my car and take it on a whim.  Because of this I feel comfortable to get into a car and drive to the store and know that unless someone decides to step outside of the boundaries of the law, my car will still be waiting for me when I finish shopping.

Today anarchy has been painted with a warm glossy glow of excitement that through it a better system will emerge. And many have passed this thinking onto the law of God.  Believing that any attempt, even by a perfect God, to create a concrete set of rules that all must follow, as a form of bondage. But in reality when law goes, the social order goes with it because law by default creates boundaries.  Boundaries that if the law of the land is fair will promote economic growth, enhance domestic tranquility, and ensure the prosperity of the nation.


We have no idea of the potential damage that would result from the destruction of the Ten Commandments that a loving God designed to guard our happiness.


If you are wondering about the validity of God’s ten rules in today’s society take a moment and read them for yourself.  Then take a moment and try to imagine if heaven would be still be the perfect oasis of peace without them.

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